ز ۲/۱۱ ( ۱۲ )
Baby Hospital
Invitation to Bid
Caritas Baby Hospital ( CBH ) is the Sole Exclusively Pediatric Hospital in the West Bank . Annually , around 50,000 children are treated in the Hospital's Outpatient Clinics and Inpatient Wards . CBH is run and operated by the Swiss NGO Children's Relief Bethlehem ( CRB ( based in Lucerne , Switzerland .
Bid # : ITB - 2025 - MDX - 93
Supply and Installation of Mobile Digital X - Ray System
Caritas Baby Hospital would like to purchase one Mobile Digital X - Ray System with one wireless flat panel detec- tor , built - in acquisition workstation , and Full DICOM capabilities .
Interested companies can receive the bidding documents starting from Thursday 13/2/2025 through Wednesday 19/2/2025 between 9:00 - 14:00 ( Excluding Sundays ) against payment of ILS 500 from :
Caritas Baby Hospital
Caritas Street , Bethlehem
Annex Building
Reception Office - Mr. Ala Abu Farha
Tender proposals have to be submitted in closed envelope to the same office . Deadline for submittal is Friday 7/3/2025 at 12:00 noon . Late bids will not be accepted .