تسجيل الدخول
Supply of Medical Consumables

( o ) Y / Yoj

Procurement Notice
Invitation to Bid


SUBJECT : Purchase of Supplies and Consumables for Medical Use for

Breast Cancer Department
Lot 1 - Medical Consumables
Lot 2 Supplies for Interventional Radiology
The United Nations Development Programme / Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People ( UNDP / PAPP ) invites eligible contractors to submit offers for the Invitation to Bid under subject fully described in tender documents .
The tender is available at the UNDP Oracle Quantum Portal .
Reference number : UNDP - PAL - 00328

If you are not registered on quantum , please use the following link for registration : https://estm.fa.em2.oraclecloud.com/fscmUI/redwood/supplier-registration/register- supplier / register - supplier - verification ? id = TUW16eK6qcXz58FAzgbAMOYCOHny
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For Guide on registration and submitting bids on Quantum , please visit UNDP Global Procurement website :
To submit your bid on Quantum , please use the following link : http://supplier.quantum.partneragencies.org/
Interested Bidders are invited to attend a Virtual pre - bid meeting will take

place as per the following schedule :

Date : 25 February 2025

Time : 11:00 A.M. ( Jerusalem Time )

Pre - bid conference to be conducted via MS Teams , at the following link : https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting NmlzZGUwY2UtOTJIMS0
OMTFILWI3NzMtY2EwYzJmNmEwODIK % 40thread.v2 / 0 ? context = % 7b % 22Tid % 22
% 3a % 22b3e5db5e - 2944-4837-99f5-7488ace54319 % 22 % 2c % 22Oid % 22 % 3a % 22bf9-
b7ace - f13e - 4a20 - adab - 41983bfd288a % 22 % 7d
Meeting ID : 346 345 661 693
Passcode : Qt6yC6hz

For inquiries on registration , please send an email to mohammad.qazzaz@undp.org Deadline : 03 March 2025 at 15.00 Jerusalem time
Bid Submission deadline appearing on UNDP Oracle Quantum Portal will be FINAL and prevail on the ones appearing on other websites .