تسجيل الدخول
Construction of an electrical power station


Invitation for Bids
Idna / mun / 2020 / 002 Project Title : " Promotion of sustainable growth in Palestine through an environmentally safe , innovative and economically valuable treatment of WEEE ( Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment ) " Project Code : NEAR - TS / 2016 / 381 - 674 Financed by : EUROPEAN UNION and IDHNA MUNICIPALITY Cesvi Procedure Code : MEPSE0023 / NP / 05 Cesvi is an international NGO , with headquarters in Italy , operating in Palestine . Cesvi - in partnership with North Hebron Chamber of Com merce and Industry ( NHCCI , lead applicant ) and Green Land Society for Health Development ( GLSHD , co - applicant ) - has received a grant from the European Commission for the implementation of a humanitar ian aid operation , under the contract NEAR - TS / 2016 / 381 - 674 . The action aims at promoting environmentally clean , safe , innovative and economically valuable waste from electrical and electronic equip ment ( WEEE ) treatment in West Bank . The above - mentioned grant targets , among others , the area of Idhna Municipality - Hebron Governorate . Idhna Municipality is the official authority in charge for electricity distribution within the area , and com mits itself to support the project activities object of this tender by taking upon itself 50 % of the related costs . Therefore , the work contract for the implementation of the activities object of this tender will be signed by both Cesvi and Idhna Municipal ity and the related costs will be paid 50 % by Cesvi and 50 % by Idhna Municipality Cesvi and Idhna Municipality invite interested bidders to present a quotation for the procurement of the works for : Construction of an electrical power station consisting ofsupply , installation and com missioning of medium voltage electrical network and 630 transformer in Idhna Municipality - Hebron Governorate . All interested bidders should pursue the following bidding conditions : 1 . Eligible bidders should be registered at the VAT and Customs
Departments and should provide their VAT registration number
and financial clearance certificate 2 . Eligible bidders should be registered with the Palestinian Union
of Contractors : Class : 1 , 2 , 3 Field : Electrical works 1 . Qualification requirements are presented in the bidding docu
ments 2 . Interested bidders can get the bidding documents from Idhna
Municipality from 24 . 12 . 2019 till 31 . 12 . 2019 time 08 . 00 - 14 . 00 by paying a fee of ( 400 ) NISdirectly to Idhna Municipality Bids must be deliveredto Idhna Municipality within 13 . 01 . 2020 at 12 . 00 . Electronic bidding will not be permitted . Late bids will
be rejected . 4 . Bidders are invited to attend a pre - bid meeting and site visit on
5 / 1 / 2020 at 10 . 00 at Idhna Municipality . 5 . Bids will be opened on 13 . 01 . 2020 at 12 . 30 at Idhna Municipality .
Bidders can attend . 6 . Advertisements fees will be paid by the winning bidder . For further information , please contact : • Idhna Municipality Eng . Bilal Hathawi Ph0599 - 291865 Mail engbmh1 @ yahoo . com • Cesvi Eng . Simone Balboni Ph 0597 - 300746 Mail simonebalboni @ cesvioverseas . org